One of the exciting lives is that of Humans, where one can enjoy different experiences and live the moments of joy, happiness and glory. With the passing time and the process of becoming old, a person sees the different colours of nature, people with various personalities, lifestyles and imaginations. From the time a person sets foot on this world till the moment he is consigned to the tomb, a person passes different stages in live. Youth and Age are those stages that strictly define his life and make it meaningful.
Youth is that period of life when a person is able to strike with hammer exactly where the blow is ought to be placed and give it precisely the required force. That means, in youth, a person is able to accomplish his tasks successfully with his enthusiasm, strength and vigour. The diligence and versatility, which in one way or another besets every human being particularly resides on the youth. Because of these reasons, youths are considered to be the pillars of success of a nation. The failure or success of a nation mostly depends on the activity and zeal of its youth.
Youth is that period of life when one has the courage and determination to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. Notwithstanding this fact, however willing a youth is to learn, some powerful force solicits him or satiety creeps in. We have seen and faced in our daily life, youths not being able to concentrate on their destination, rather indulging themselves in unproductive and unrealistic factors. They dream to achieve high but cannot focus on their tasks. Age is that factor that demarcates between ineptness and maturity.
A person becomes physically weak in his old age. He cannot do his works on his own and has to rely on others. However, age gives us a sober confidence in our decision making process at times and that is what makes the difference. Figuratively saying, a person's joints become more completely strung and his bones are more sinewy and new with age.
With youth comes age; so, these are two inevitable parts of human life. If one wants to make his age pleasant and happier, then he should leave no stone unturned to make his youth meaningful and successful.
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